Tuesday, August 31, 2010

My first experience with Bead Crochet

So on Sunday I posted instructions on how to Bead Crochet and said that on Monday I would be taking a class on this.  Well things went great, at first, when we were working with pony beads and yarn.  And the beads were arranged in color coordination.  So I did that practice model twice, felt very comfortable with it and decided to move on to a harder combination.  I moved up to size 6 seed beads, thread, and a size 1 needle. Oh boy, was I in for a challenge.  Now I didn't start this endeavor until I got home so there was no instructor or anyone else around to help me.  This is what I got after about 3-4 rows:

As you can see, if you know anything about bead crochet, it is not what it is supposed to be.  It looks more like a bead toggle.  So I am going to have to take it all out down to the first 6 and start over.  If the beads were in any type of color coordination it would be much easier, but since they are not, I am having much difficulty.  These are the beads I am working with:

As you can see there really is no way of putting them in a color scheme.  So I guess I will just keep at it. As they say, practice makes perfect.  

I would love to hear any of your comments or suggestions on this.  Maybe things to try?

Anyway if you like to bead crochet here are some books from Amazon you may like: http://www.bead-patterns.com/amazon_books.php#Bead-Crochet

Happy Beading!

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